Medical Advice
At Taita Inti, many healing modalities can be explored and experienced without prior knowledge. However, engaging with plant medicines in sacred ceremonies requires thorough preparation and understanding. This preparation is essential to ensure your safety and to provide a deeply fulfilling and transformative healing experience.
Medication and Supplement
As part of our intake process, you will review all medications (including over-the-counter) and supplements (herbal and vitamin) with our intake support team. This step helps us identify any potential medical or psychological contraindications with ayahuasca. Our team will help you understand these interactions and ensure your safety.
Potential Interactions with Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca can have serious interactions with various pharmaceutical drugs, supplements, and even some over-the-counter medications, which can be potentially life-threatening. Some medications and supplements may need to be discontinued as they can interfere with the healers’ ability to observe and address the root causes during the ceremonies. This also applies to certain energetic practices and other psychedelic medicines.
Ensuring Ongoing Communication and Safety
When you register, it's critical to inform us about all medications and supplements you are taking to ensure complete safety and well-being. If your medication regimen changes before your retreat begins, you must let us know immediately.

Ayahuasca is generally a very safe substance to drink. There are some medical conditions (e.g. some stomach, heart, liver, kidney, colon or mental health problems, etc) where drinking ayahuasca could be potentially harmful.
Please check with your doctor and take their advice about participation.
Specific conditions with which one should definitely NOT drink ayahuasca are heart problems, kidney disorders, high blood pressure, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and any history of psychosis or psychotic breaks. Please take this seriously, as the potential consequences are an extended trip to a psychiatric hospital or death. Also, any hallucinogen can trigger underlying emotional problems or exacerbate mental conditions. Anyone with a family history of poor psychological health, especially schizophrenic-type disorders, should be especially cautious about taking ayahuasca.​
Ayahuasca ( Banisteriopsis caapi ) contains monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) in the form of harmine and harmaline. Medications in the class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs), which include most anti-depressants, are dangerous to take with MAOIs and need to be stopped 1-4 weeks before drinking ayahuasca, depending on the half-life of the specific medicine being taken. This is very important, as mixing these two types of substances can lead to serotonin syndrome, which can be fatal.
We have seen very strange and unpleasant experiences when clients drank ayahuasca while on medications for which no contra-indications could be found. As a result, we do not allow any medications to be taken while attending the workshops or some of our ceremonies. Ideally, all medications should be stopped at least 2 weeks before coming to the retreat.
TAITA INTI does not allow ANY medications to be taken while drinking ayahuasca IN OUR CEREMONIES.
The following classes of drugs are potentially dangerous when taken with MAOIs (Ayahuasca). If you are taking medications, please do your research into their half-life so you will know how long you should be off them before taking an MAIOI. Some require 4-6 weeks. The Ayahuasca Safety Council has a more complete listing of medications, drugs, and herbs to avoid:
SSRIs and SNRis
Some asthma medications, such as salbutamol
Opiates and opioidsBarbituates
Cough medicines
Additionally, the following herbs and supplements should not be taken when drinking ayahuasca:
St. Johns Wort
Scotch Broom
If you have had a concussion within the last year, it is not advisable to drink ayahuasca. People who drink ayahuasca after having a concussion frequently have very unpleasant experiences, often 'reliving' the event that caused it in highly distorted and frightening ways or saying they felt they had gone crazy while under the effects. Please check with your doctor and take their advice about participation.
Non-prescription medicines such as antihistamines, dietary aids, amphetamines, and their derivatives, and some herbal remedies (e.g., those containing ephedrine, high levels of caffeine, or other stimulants) should be discontinued for at least a week prior to and following work with ayahuasca. Please check with your herbalist or homeopath as even otherwise innocuous remedies like St John's Wort/hypericum may not be suitable in combination with ayahuasca.
Avoid all chemically-based recreational drugs, in particular MDMA (ecstasy), cocaine, speed, and heroin. The use of non-chemical recreational drugs such as marijuana should also be discontinued for a period of at least two weeks before and following work with ayahuasca.